ICAR JRF Exam (Agronomy) 1 July 2019
Q. 1 Scientific name of Indian mustard
a. Brassica juncea
b. B. Compesstris
c. B. napus
d. B. nigra
Q. 2 Family of soyabean
A. Fabaceae
B. Malvaceae
C. Asteraceae
D. Poaceae
Q. 3 Leaves appear green bcz
A. They absorb green light
B. They absorb red light
C. They reflect green colour
D. They reflect red colour
Q 4.Fe deficiency is most common in
A. High PH and calacarious soil
B. Low PH
C. High acidic soil
D. High saline soil
Q. 5 Which is multigerm seed
A. Sugarcane
B. Cotton
C. Sugarbeet
D. All of these
Q. 6 Blast disease of rice is due to
A. Pyricularia oryzae
B. Xanthomonas compestris
C. Phytophthora palmivora
D. Alternative solanai
Q. 7 Ratio of leaf area to ground area is known as
A. Leaf area index
B. Leaf area ratio
C. Crop utilization index
D. Leaf area coefficient
Q. 8 Wheat irrigation requirement at depth 6 cm with IW/CPE ratio 0.6mm is
A. 10 mm
B. 150 mm
C. 1000 mm
D. 100 mm
Q. 9 Formula of water requirement acc. to demand and supply
Q. 10 Most dominant cropping system india is
A. Rice -Barley
B. Groundnut-wheat
C. Rice-Wheat
D. Rice -gram
Q. 11 Lowest layer of atmosphere
A. Stratosohere
B. Mesosphere
C. Ionosphere
D. Troposphere
Q. 12 pusa 209 is a variety of
A. Gram
B. Mustard
C. Linseed
D. Sugarcane
Q. 13 Which process is done after harvesting in tobacco
A. Thining
B. Priming
C. Topping
D. Desuckering
Q. 14 Required temperature for potato tuberization is
A. <20 C
B. 40-50 C
C. 20-30 C
D. None of these
Q. 15 Origin of soyabean
A. Africa
B. China
C. India
D. Asia minor
Q. 16 Jute fibre extracted from
A. Xylem
B. Phloem
C. Cortex
D. Plasmodesmata
Q. 17 One molecule of glucose yield
A. 580 calories
B. 686 cal.
C. 42 cal.
D. 36 cal.
Q. 18 Agronomy is derived from
A. Latin word
B. Greek word
C. French word
D. None of these
Q. 18 What is the degree of freedom for CRD with 7 replication and 4 treatment
A. 21
B. 18
C. 28
D. 20
Q. 19 What is the percentage of N in Ammonium sulphate
A. 33
B. 26
C. 16
D. 20.6
Q. 20 CAN is a
A. Acidic fertilizer
B. Neutral fertilizer
C. Basic fertilizer
D. All of these
Q. 21 Non cultivated spp. of sugarcane
A. S. barberi
B. S. sinensis
C. S. robustum
D. S. spontaneum
Q. 22 Present rate of fertilizers consumption in india
A. 128 kg
B. 138 kg
C. 165 kg
D. 195 kg
Q. 23 Square for variance is
A. Mean square
B. Standard deviation
C. Mean deviation
D. Range
Q.24 Text book of field crops is written by
A. TK Das
B. Rajendra prasad
C. OP Gupta
D. Tisdale
Q. 25 Brown manuring is done in
A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Sorghum
D. Sesbania
Q. 26 Term allelopathy is given by
A. Von helmont
B. Hans mollisch
C. Hitrove
Q.27 Dapog method is used in
A. Linseed
B. Wheat
C. Maize
D. Rice
Q. 28 Interveinal chlorosis is the deficiency symptoms in
A. Mg
B. N
C. Fe
D. Cu
Q. 29 The range of correlation coefficient
A. 0 to 1
B. -1 to +1
C. 0 to infinity
D. 0 to 100
Q. 30 Sorghum halepens is introduced in India from
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. Mexico
Q. 31 Range of probability
A. 0 to 1
B. -1 to +1
C. 0 to -1
D. 0 to infinity
Q. 32 Calculate commercial dose having recommended dose @0.75kg with a.i 25%
A. 2.0 kg
B. 3.0 kg
C. 4.0 kg
D. 6.0 kg
Q. 33 cultivated zone of wheat in india
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Q. 34 Neovossia indica is causal organism of
A. Hill bunt
B. Karnal bunt
C. Smut
D. Leaf Rust
Q. 35 Sugarcane breeding institute is located at
A. Lukhnow
B. Coimbatore
C. Kanpur
Q. 36 Nutrient mobility mechanism was given by
A. Liebig
B. Bray
C. Blackman
D. Misterlich
Q. 37 Plants growing in saline condition
A. Halophytes
B. Sciophytes
C. Heliophytes
D. Xylophytes
Q. 38 IGFRI is located at
A. Kanpur
B. Jhansi
C. Jaipur
D. Jodhpur
Q. 39 National academy of agriculture Research Management is located at
B. Delhi
C. Hyderabad
Q. 40 Sodic soil reclamation require
A. Lime
B. Gypsum
C. Na
D. All of these
Q. 41 Test used for comparing population variance
A. T test
B. F test
C. Chi square test
Q. 42 Yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or fallow in a given area is known as
A. Crop rotation
B. Crop sequence
C. Cropping pattern
D. Multiple cropping
Q. 43 Moisture index for semi arid tropics is
A. 0 to 33
B. -33.3 to -66.6
C. > -66.6
D. <0
Q. 44 Agrisilviculture means
A. Crops + trees
B. Crops +pasture
C. Horti+ trees
D. Trees+pasture
Q. 45 Cell theory was given by
A. Anton and stout
B. Jhonson
C. Schelden and sachawan
D. Mendal
Q. 46 Cell nucleus in plants was discovered by
A. Robert brown
B. Robert hook
C. Karl linneius
D. Louis pasture
Q. 47 Optimum temperature for nitrification
A. 10-20 C
B. 20-30 C
C. 20-35 C
D. 35-40 C
Q. 48 Crop sown b/w two line of crops , main reason is
A. Space utilization
B. Increase crop production
C. Protection against crop failure
D. Maximizing economic benefit
Q. 49 Gas present highest in atmosphere
A. N
B. O2
C. Co2
D. Si
Q. 50 Cyperus rotundus is
A. Annual
B. Binniel
C. Perennial
D. All of these
Q. 51 Salvinia is a
A. Submerged weed
B. Emerged weed
C. Floating weed
D. Marginal weed
Q. 52 All time herbicide for oilseed is
A. Fluchloralin
B. Pendimethalin
C. Nitrofen
D. Alachlor
Q. 53 Safe RSC value for irrigation water should be
A. <1.25
B. 1.25-1.75
C. 1.75-2.5
D. >2.5
Q. 54 If P2O5 is 46% then what is P
A. 46%
B. 20.4%
C. 18%
D. None of these
Q. 55 Rock phosphate is most suitable for
A. Acidic soil
B. Alkaline soil
C. Sonic soil
D. All of these
Q. 56 Phosphorus solublising bacteria is
C. Mycorrhiza
D. Clostridium
Q. 57 Mutate for potash is
A. H2SO4
C. NaCl
D. KCl
Q. 58 B shows deficiency on
A. Lower leaves
B. Upper leaves
C. Terminal buds
D. All of these
Q. 59 Which nutrient is mobile in plants but immobile in soil
A. N
B. P
C. K
D. Fe
Q. 60 Darcy law is associated with
A. Hydraulic conductivity of water
B. Infiltrating rate
C. Evaporation loss of water
D. Transpiration loss of water
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